Our Engagement Library

Our team of certified recruiters brings you a collection of our knowledge base as a promise to always give you the tools you need today and be a resource for every future opportunity that comes your way.

The Future of Healthcare IT: Hiring Strategies for Hospital Software Positions

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and as technology continues to advance, healthcare IT has become increasingly important....

50 Common Interview Questions

From tell me about yourself to share about a time you had a conflict with your fellow employee and how you resolved it, there’s a lot of...

Diversity and Inclusion in Recruitment: Building a Stronger Workforce

In today's dynamic business landscape, the recruitment process is a critical area where organizations can harness the power of diversity...
4 Strategies to Facilitate Growth

4 Strategies to Facilitate Growth

Set yourself up for success by planning for growth during the hiring process.  Unplanned growth can feel chaotic, can cause miscommunication and ultimately affect your bottom line.  Ideally, you would begin the planning process when you establish your...

Landing Your IT Hire When Hiring Anyone is Hard

Landing Your IT Hire When Hiring Anyone is Hard

Attracting and retaining talent during “The Great Resignation” has proved to be a monumental task.  Tech companies continue to navigate supporting a remote workforce while employees take a magnifying glass to their workplace.  In today’s tight market...

Which Type of Worker are You Trying to Hire?

Which Type of Worker are You Trying to Hire?

If you remember the scene from the finale of season 3 of The Office, Michael Scott is at Corporate in an interview with CFO David Wallace.  David starts, “So, let me ask you a question right off the bat, what do you think are your greatest strengths as a...

6 Ways to Improve Your Hiring Process

6 Ways to Improve Your Hiring Process

The key to growing a successful business is hiring the right people.  Hiring the right people is no easy task.  It is a serious job that takes great responsibility.  In 2021, employers had to respond to major workforce demands for remote work, flexible schedules,...