What’s the hype about virtual interviews and how can YOU excel at your next one?

by | Jun 13, 2020 | For Candidates, Job Hunting

Before the days of COVID-19 virtual interviews were an uncommon practice. But today? They’re happening consistently thanks to the power of Google Hangouts, Skype and Zoom.  

The new normal in hiring? Virtual interviews. 

Most importantly, following social distancing guidelines and as companies keep a WFH schedule, candidates and hiring managers alike are finding the new normal of virtual interviews. 

The benefits? Time! Saved time and lots of it. Virtual interviews can make the initial screening portion of the hiring process easier and more convenient for both the candidates and the company hiring.

When it comes to tackling your first virtual interview, there are a few tips to make sure it’s your best! 

Say cheese!

Well not really, but there’s some truth to the statement. It patters that you get focused on the camera and smile during your interview. Research shows that employers remember applicants who make eye contact, even by artificial virtual means. People have a default tendency to focus on looking at themselves on the computer screen when in reality they should be looking up! 

Prepare yourself just as if it’s an in-person interview. 

Ask yourself questions like Why are you interested in the role? What would you say is one of your biggest professional achievements? What are you looking for in a new position? By preparing with questions you’re sure to be asked, you will feel more confident and less stressed during what could be an intense situation. 

Check, Check… 1, 2, 3… is this thing on?

You get the point we’re trying to make here right? Your virtual interview is only as good as your technology. Test your camera, test your microphone, test your internet long before your set interview time.  Just like if we were driving to an interview you would prepare by looking up directions and planning to extra traffic, prepare for your virtual interview with the same focus and intention.

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