Three Ways to Freshen Up Your LinkedIn Profile to Help You Land Your Next Job

by | Jun 13, 2020 | For Candidates

We’ve seen our share of Linkedin profiles. From sourcing candidates to reviewing applicants, we’ve spent more hours than could be counted scrolling Linkedin profiles. Some good, and some… well, not so fancy. From a lack of job history to an unprofessional photo, the list of do’s and don’ts for your Linkedin profile can quickly become overwhelming. 

It’s no surprise that LinkedIn is the top professional social networking site with 133 million (and growing!) users in the U.S. alone and reaching 200 countries around the world.  So if you’re seeking a new job… or just don’t want to get passed up when an excellent opportunity may be available, Linkedin is the place to invest a little time for a big return. 

Ready to dive in? Here’s just three simple ways to kickstart your Linkedin profile makeover: 

Be wise in selecting a profile image.

What’s your profile image say about you? If it’s your last vacation with a beer in hand, it’s time to freshen up your profile. We’ve all heard it said “a picture is worth a thousand words…” and for job seekers, a profile image on your LinkedIn account is a bold first impression. Fun fact: Including a photo on your LinkedIn profile increases your profile being viewed by 40%.

Get a custom URL for your profile 

It’s much easier to publicize your profile with a customized URL (ideally, rather than the automatically provided clunky combination of numbers when you first create your profile. For more help, these LinkedIn Help instructions show you how to customize your public profile URL (otherwise known as a vanity URL). #YouGotThis

Let your achievements shine

When it comes to finding a new job, you might just get that introduction to your next opportunity by way of a recruiter. Fact is, recruiters spend countless hours searching for candidates who might just be a high performer and their next candidate to present to a client. Use your summary profile section or experience section to clearly highlight your accomplishments. What special projects have you been pulled in on? How did they impact the goals set forth by your team? What is the quantitative data that displays your success? Outline the best so when recruiters are searching, you can market yourself.

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