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Meet Today’s Job Seeking Roadblock: A Bot

by | Aug 13, 2020 | For Candidates, Job Hunting

We “bot” you don’t realize how AI is changing the job seeker’s application process. See what we did there? If you are job seeking and consistently being turned down time and time again chances are, you’ve faced a bot. On the flip side, new websites and apps are being released continually with an Artificial Intelligence engine that claims to help job seekers.

Take jobbot.me as an example. Jobo is an AI-powered HR chat bot pioneer. “He” helps humans to find new jobs and helps companies to hire talents all around the world. In the future, Jobo plans to be able to handle job applications, match candidates and jobs and even do the first interview. How does it work? Just log on through your Facebook Messenger app and start sharing about your experiences and who you are.

While some bots in the recruitment and hiring industry can benefit job seekers, others are leaving job applicants increasingly frustrated.

Does this sound familiar to you…

10am – applies for a job after submitting an extensive application process.

10:10am – receives an email with the token “thanks but no thanks” for your application.

10:15am – receives a second email asking you to sign up for ongoing job vacancies.

Congrats, a bot just denied your job application. For some job seekers being faced with an AI system to navigate is just a common course, but for others, it’s one of the greatest challenges to getting an interview. So if you feel like you’re flinging resumes and cover letters around the internet with consistent denial, here are a few tips to get your resume through an automated applicant tracking system.

Only apply for the jobs you are qualified for.

What’s the number one job of a bot or automated applicant screening system? To weed out the applicants who are obviously not qualified. For many jobs, a degree, certification, or experience is required. Applying for the jobs in-which you meet all the credentials is essential for success against today’s job competition.

Avoid applying for multiple roles at the same company.

A bot allows recruiters to quickly see all the roles you’ve applied for at their company. And worse, if you submitted an identical resume and cover letter. If a company has two roles open that you’d be qualified for, then, of course, apply to both. Alternatively, if you have a wide range of skills and experience, then you can apply to both, though modify your resume for each specific job.

The roadblock when applying to multiple jobs at the same company comes when you’re submitting an application for both entry-level and director-level positions. One way or another, you’re either over-qualified or under-qualified for either position.

Submit the correct file type when applying.

It sounds so simple, right? However, far too often applicants are sent a denial email right off the bat for failing to follow individual upload instructions for application, resume, and cover letter file type. Most commonly, job application materials are requested in a .docx file or .pdf file. If you do not have access to Microsoft Word or another program that can convert your resume to .docx or .pdf, you can use a free online converter like Google Docs to download the correct file type.

Avoid formatting your resume in a way that is not reader-friendly for both bots and humans alike.

It starts with removing tables, headers, footers, images, hyperlinks, logos and the like. Keep your resume and cover letter in standard formatting. Just as important, stick to using a universal font throughout your resume like Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman.

So whether you’re using a bot as your new BFF in helping you job seek, or you’re wishing they were never invented. Hedge your bets on landing an interview by applying our tips on the next application you submit.