In a recent Harvard Business Review article, the authors analyzed 513 video recordings of remote interviews from 2020. Data was collected on the recruiter and participant responses, the interview process, aesthetics and participant engagement. Not surprisingly, 80% of those job candidates who did not receive an offer appeared to be “distracted, failed to engage their recruiter in a meaningful way, or seemed as though they were reading from a script.” On the other hand, 90% of job candidates who did receive a job offer seemed to have mastered the virtual interview. Based on research by the authors, the successful candidates had four things in common: they had established a space for the interview, prepared for the unexpected, rehearsed, and did not read from a script. Based on these commonalities the authors of the article organized four well thought out tips. We’ve turned these 4 tips into a simple checklist so you can put your best foot forward at your next virtual interview. If you want to read more in-depth about the research, check out the full article here.
Space is clean
Space is well-lit (light yourself from the front)
Space has an uncluttered background
Conduct an internet upload speed test
Master the platform being used for the interview
Create brief, organized notes in two or three headings
Have notes in sight during the interview
Practice your interview with a friend or family member
Speaking pace is easy to follow
Use hand gestures
Turn off video monitoring (this ensures you won’t look at yourself on the screen and you can have excellent eye contact during the interview)
Formulate 2 – 3 questions to ask about the team and the culture
Research your interviewer on LinkedIn and Google
Take note of common interests